Efficient Data Serialization: Using CBOR in Embedded Systems

CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) is a compact binary format used for serializing data. It is a lightweight and efficient alternative to other data interchange formats such as JSON and XML. In embedded systems, where resources are often limited, CBOR can be a useful tool for transmitting data between devices.

Advantages of using CBOR in Embedded Systems

One of the main advantages of using CBOR in embedded systems is its small size. CBOR-encoded data is typically smaller than JSON or XML data, making it an ideal choice for devices with limited memory or bandwidth. This can be particularly important in IoT devices, which often have to transmit data over low-power, low-bandwidth networks.

Another advantage of CBOR is its efficiency. CBOR-encoded data can be parsed and serialized quickly, which can be important in time-critical applications such as real-time control systems. Additionally, CBOR supports a wide range of data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, strings, arrays, and maps, making it a flexible format for representing data in embedded systems.

Features and Flexibility of CBOR Encoding and Decoding

CBOR also supports a range of encoding and decoding options, including canonical encoding and sorting of maps, which can help to ensure interoperability between different devices and systems. Furthermore, CBOR supports tag mechanisms for custom data types, which can be useful for representing specialized data types or application-specific data.


In summary, CBOR is a lightweight, efficient, and flexible data interchange format that can be a useful tool in embedded systems. Its small size and efficiency make it ideal for devices with limited resources, while its support for a wide range of data types and encoding options makes it a flexible choice for representing data in embedded systems.

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CBOR Frequently Asked Questions

What does CBOR stand for?

CBOR stands for Concise Binary Object Representation. It is a binary serialization format used to encode data in a space-efficient and language-independent way.

What is the difference between JSON and CBOR?

CBOR is typically more compact than JSON, as it is a binary format. This makes it a better choice for transmitting data over low-bandwidth networks or for devices with limited memory and storage.

What is the role of CBOR in IoT products, and can you provide an example?

CBOR, plays a significant role in many IoT devices, with the Fitbit smartwatch being a prime example. CBOR is used in IoT to efficiently encode and transmit data, making it a preferred choice for resource-constrained devices like wearable technology. Fitbit smartwatches use CBOR to streamline data exchange and communication, enhancing their functionality in the IoT ecosystem.
